My Last First Day

8:14 PM

The day that I have feared all summer is finally here. It seemed to take forever and no time at all to arrive, but tomorrow I begin my final, and most challenging year of college.

Today I went to Target to pick up the last few things I needed for the start of the semester. I'm long past the days of pining for fancy school supplies with the prettiest designs. In fact, I picked up most of my essentials at the Dollar Tree. The only things I needed were a hard-shell binder and a small notebook I could tuck in its pocket. That's it. My list was conquered in less than ten minutes.

I have done my school supplies shopping on my own since I could drive. This isn't a new thing, or a hard thing, or even a remotely interesting thing. But this time it's different. This time could be the last time I go back-to-school shopping for quite awhile. Somewhere between considering if this year I'll be the type of person to use a planner (spoiler: I'm not), and putting my new stuff in the car, I realized that I truly am so close to the end of the journey I started three years ago.

Three years of failures, successes, and so many adventures have led me to where I am right now.
The fear of this semester is starting to fade, and it's turning to something that resembles excitement. I still fear that my work-life balance will be an all-work-no-life imbalance, but the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter every day.

So tomorrow, I will wake up and begin my work, internship, class, repeat schedule that I have been dreading all summer. Tomorrow, I will put on my business casual garb for the first time, and walk out the door pretending I know what's coming next. Tomorrow, I will begin a new adventure.

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