I Am Confident.
5:09 PMI won't lie to you. I do have those occasional meltdowns of epic proportions because I can't stand what I see in the mirror that day, but those normally only last about five minutes.
I may punch a pillow once or twice, but when it's over, and I regain composure, I can still walk outside with a huge smile on my face, not caring what anyone else says or does to me.
So why do other people?
Lately, I've seen a TON of public fights all over facebook. They're all overly outrageous, but as I read them, and mock all of their immature stupidity, I can't help but think, "Is someone really getting hurt over this?"
I can't believe it. I don't understand why people get so worked up about how others view them.
If someone wants to call you a pig-nose, butt-kissing, whore who needs a nose job and a breast implant, let them.
Ignorance is bliss, so let them live in happiness, and don't get into an argument on facebook about who's more mature.
Because really, it's a public argument on facebook and you're both teenagers. Obviously, any and all partys involved in this situation, have a lot of growng up to do. ;)