She's a Vegas dealer, and honey, you're the cards.

4:32 PM

So honestly, right now, at this moment,
I'm waiting for the shit to hit the fan.
You're going to get hurt.
Like major hurt.
And like always I'm going to be there to pick up the pieces.
I'm not complaining, though.
It's always nice to be needed,

God I hate this.
I wish you could see that she's playing you like a Vegas dealer.
But you can't,
you won't ever admit it.
You'll get caught up in that fairy-tale love song that's continuously playing in your head,
and not notice that guy that's always hanging around you're girl.
I love you, but you're stupid.
And you're gonna get your heart broken.
Maybe you deserve it,
but I can't bring myself to think that.
I wish I could tell you how amazing you are.
I wish that you'd believe me, even if I did tell you.
I wish that for one day, you could see yourself through my eyes, and then you'd know how special you really are to me.

Dueces ♥

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