I know who I'm not.

5:49 PM

I've got a problem with the world sees me
Because the world doesn't see me.
My family thinks I'm a genius.
My friends think I'm happy go lucky. Always smiling. Always spontaneous.
My parents think I'm innocent.
And my mind tells me I'm none of that.
I honestly have no idea who I am.
I don't know what I want, I don't know what I like, and I definitely have no clue why I'm here.
I'm frustrated out of my mind.
Literally, I think I'm going crazy.
I feel like I'm standing in the middle of a forest at night, and no matter which way I turn, I can't see the path that's gonna get me out of there.
No one can help me because no one can find me.
No one can find me because I can't even find myself.

I'm pissed.
At myself,
At everyone who left,
At everyone who's still here who doesn't know how to help me.
Someone has to understand.
Someone eventually has to see that the me they see isn't me.
That girl that you see daydreaming in class,
that's not me.
That girl that makes sarcastic comments every other sentence,
that's not me.
That girl who slacks off,
that's not me.

That's the girl that has been stripped of her trust, lead astray, and is now wandering in a forest somewhere without the slightest clue where to go.

I know who I'm not.
Now tell me who I am.

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