I'm not quite sure you understand

6:29 PM

There's something about you.
Something that always makes me want to come closer.
I could be holding you close enough to feel your breath on my face,
But that still wouldn't be close enough.

I want to know what you're feeling right now.
I want to know if what I said today is killing you as bad as it's killing me.
I just want to know.

What I said was harsh.
"I'm fucking done"
Doesn't explain itself and I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark.

I love you.
I don't ever want to see you in pain
But I'm not naive enough to think you never hurt.

The look on your face killed me today.
I know you hate it when I'm upset, or when she's upset.
I'm sorry. I feel guilty.
I'm tired of feeling guilty.
I felt bed every time I talked to you.
Every time you made me laugh.

I don't want to be a homewrecker.
I didn't leave to punish you.
I didn't do it to make you feel bad.
I did it because I love you, and I want you to be happy.
You will never be happy if I'm always there, somehow creating tension between you and your man-faced girlfriend.

So congratulations, she wins.
She gets to be happy now because I'm not going to be there creating controversy.
She gets the satisfaction of knowing that she stopped me from stealing you, even though that wasn't my intention at all.
She gets to be the one who doesn't know what she has when she's holding you.

So by saying "I'm fucking done"
what I really meant was
"You're amazing, and I care about you a lot, but I can't deal with knowing that every time you're fighting with her a little piece of that is because of me. I honestly just want you to be happy, and if that means I have to get over it and move on I will. I'm not trying to be a martyr, and I know I said I'd never leave, but I can't ignore the fact that I feel horrible every time I talk to you. I don't want to give up, I don't want to lose you, but I can't do this anymore, and I just don't see another way to make it stop. I'm not quite sure you understand how hard this is for me, how much I've thought about it, or how much I've cried over it. You are honestly one hell-of-a-guy, and I don't want to do this, but I have to remember what I deserve. And I don't deserve feel like crap everyday."

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