9:00 PM
I can't do this anymore.
I'm done with the fantasies,
And the lies I tell myself to justify the way I let you treat me.
I'm done caring about a person who doesn't care about me.
Because it doesn't matter how many times you say it if it's not true.
I'm done with the disappointments.
I'm done with the jealousy.
I'm not mad, either.
Because there's a point where you have to rise above it and remember what you deserve.
I don't deserve to be forgotten, or to be left out, or to be disrespected,
So I'll just become what you've always wanted.
I won't ask to hang out.
I won't tell you about my life,
And I won't ask about yours.
I'll care about you less and less everyday.
Does that scare you?
It should.