Thoughts from a Special Snowflake

8:33 PM

If I've ever received a participation trophy, please know that it ended up in the trash. I sure as hell don’t have it now.

I believe in the idea of safe spaces for people who are hurting because I recognize the world we live in is not safe. I don’t understand the backlash against safe spaces. It’s literally an area for people who are trying to be kind to one another.

I know that my generation tends to lead with its heart instead of its head. I have no science to back this, but maybe that’s because we’ve been seeing the world burn on our seven inch screens since before puberty. And maybe that makes us sad. And maybe we’re trying to do something about it.

Violence is never the answer, but violence gets people to pay attention. You can call the Women’s March a tantrum, but people are paying attention.

Telling me to “focus on myself” is another way of telling me that you don’t care what happens to anyone else. That’s okay, you don’t have to care about anyone but yourself. I, however, care so much and so deeply about people. All people. All the time.

No one is ever at their best on social media. Conservatives and liberals are all assholes on the internet. Being an asshole gets you attention.

Trump will not be the president forever. I am confident he will make changes that will affect our lives for a long time. I am also confident that the “tantrum” I witnessed today will leave its mark on the world. The Women’s March was not only an event in time, but a feeling felt across the world.

You can call me a snowflake. I’ll take that title and wear it proudly. To me, a snowflake, as portrayed in conservative media, is a person who values empathy over almost anything else. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s where I’m at right now; empathy first.

I don't know how to end this, so I'll just say that the Women's March has me proud to be a liberal woman and a special snowflake. 

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